real life examples...

Students place tickets they earn playing games
in containers associated with each prize and
winners are drawn at the end of the event.
post prom party 2008...
The 2008 Hereford High School Post Prom Party was held immediately following the Junior and Senior Prom on Saturday, May 3, 2008 at Summit Manor; behind the Hereford Volunteer Fire Station. In addition to a large assortment of prize packages, most of the games and activities purchased for use during the event were given away to students at the end of the party.
Here is a brief explanation of how things work...
Two HHS Seniors won 'GRAND' Prizes, 7 HHS Juniors won their own personal parking spaces directly in front of the high school, and a wide assortment of other prize packages were given away at the end of the Post Prom Party.
To everyone who donated their time and talents throughout the year, and to each and every one of our generous sponsors for 2008 — Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
post prom party 2007...
The 2007 Hereford High School Post Prom Party was held at Summit Manor on Friday, May 18th. Thank you to everyone who helped make it such a success!
In addition to more than 75 great prize packages, which anyone could win, HHS Seniors were eligible to win a Special "Grand" Prize of $1,000 and HHS Juniors were eligible to win one of the 7 Private Parking Spaces in front of the school. Here is "How Things Work "
Here are some of the activities available to students at the Post Prom Party:
- Music by DJ Brad Hart
- Wax hands by Wild, Wild, Wax
- Rick Wright's amazing caricature artists
- Karaoke Revolution - Country
- Famous parents at the Blackjack tables
- Arcade style electronic basketball
- Dance Dance Revolution
- Guitar Hero
- Limbo contest
- Hula Hoop contest
- Speed Stacks cup stacking
- Money booth
- Hereford bull "roping" competition
- Horseshoes
- Grab prizes from a "claw" machine
- and more...
Since many of the activities were purchased and not rented, everything that was practical to give-away - including PlayStation consoles, Televisions, electronic basketball games, cup stacking sets, PS2 software, microphones & DDR dance pads - was awarded to students as additional prizes at the end of the night... actually, very early the following morning.
post prom party 2006...
To all of the students, parents, teachers, members of the administration, PTSA, and our generous sponsors who helped make the Hereford High School Post Prom Party of 2006 such a success -- thank you very much!
Wax hands, caricature artists, DDR, Guitar Hero, blackjack, pinball machines, electronic basketball, a money booth, and music by Barry Hart were some of the more notable activities.
More than 70 prizes were given away, including a mini Honda motorcycle, several TV's and Play Station 2 game consoles, DDR & Guitar Hero game packages, printers, home audio systems, iPods, autographed footballs, beach packages, digital cameras, and one very lucky senior even won the "grand" prize.
And, if you ever wondered how students managed to score those Private Parking Spaces right in front of the school, well they were given away in a drawing just for HHS Juniors.
See what went on at Post Prom 2006
post prom party 2005...
Thank you to everyone involved for making the Hereford High School Post Prom Party 2005 a safe and enjoyable experience for our students!
The HHS Post Prom Party for 2005, began a new tradition of giving away as many of the games and activities as possible.
Instead of paying rental fees for blackjack tables and arcade games, the Post Prom committee purchased blackjack sets and covered the existing fold up tables with green felt layouts. At the end of the event, the aluminum briefcase card sets were all used as prizes.
The materials used in the DDR booth -- Red Octane dance pads, televisions, PlayStation 2 game consoles & DDR software were all given away to students.
Even the arcade style electronic basketball games and Skee-put mini golf sets were used to increase the numbers of prizes that students could win.
See more of what happened at Post Prom 2005
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