post prom resources...

Helium balloons are inexpensive decorations.
post prom party information
[ Prom on Wikipedia ] - according to this free online encyclopedia, the word prom was derived from promenade, which is described as a "semi-formal (black tie) dance held at the end of an academic year." When referring to a high school prom in the United States or Canada, some events are offered to juniors only - junior prom - while some events are offered to seniors only - senior prom. Today, many schools combine the two into one prom dance each academic year called a junior/senior prom. Other countries may refer to these end of the school year dances as a "Leaver's Ball" or a "Deb" or a "Grad" or a "Formal".
[ How Things Work at Post Prom ] - a list of rules we compiled to keep students safe during after prom events... in addition to being posted at the entrance to the hall, the rules and guidelines were posted posted ahead of time on our Web site and in a display case at the high school so students knew what to expect before they arrived at the party.
[ Precision Dynamics Corporation ] - Tyvek wristbands help manage large groups of students, when sequentially numbered they can be used to identify raffle winners and distribute door prizes, and they make nice "scrapbook" mementos, especially if they are ordered with a design that matches the event theme.
[ Safe & Sober Prom Season Parent Guide & Pledge Book ] (PDF) - published in 2007 by the Baltimore County Department of Health Bureau of Substance Abuse, this booklet contains facts about underage drinking, drug use, young driver safety tips, underage drinking party legal issues, after-prom activities, and a list of local limousine and bus companies who have signed a pledge agreeing not to allow any young person to use tobacco, alcohol, or any other drugs while using their transportation services.
[ SADD ] - Students Against Destructive Decisions, formerly Students Against Driving Drunk, is a peer leadership organization dedicated to the prevention of underage drinking, drug use, impaired driving, teen violence, and other destructive decisions.
local community resources & supporters
[ Hereford High School Web Site ]
[ Summit Manor ] - where many of these activities were held; filling both the first and second floors.
Wax hands were provided by the fantastic folks at [ Wild Wild Wax ]
Never heard of Speed Stacks? Watch a World Sport Stacking Assoc. [ video ]
[ Hereford Volunteer Fire Company ] - Thanks to all these terrific volunteers who give their time and talents to help protect everyone in the "Hereford Zone" and beyond.
[ Hereford Zone Business Association ] - local organization that "promotes the business and economic climate of northern Baltimore County."
[ Hereford 4th of July Parade ] - floats, marching bands, fire trucks, horses, farm tractors (it is in Hereford after all ;-) and some of the best "small town" fireworks displays we have ever seen!
North County Recreation & Parks Councils
Hereford Rec Council Prettyboy Rec Council 7th District Rec Council
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