
parent chauffeurs, limos, tour bus, trolley, school buses...
Transportation to and from the prom is a BIG DEAL for several reasons; it's an integral part of the prom experience, it can be expensive, it must be arranged well in advance, and the rental return time will have an effect on when and how students are likely to arrive at the post prom party. For example, what teenager wouldn't want to ride around town after the prom in the fancy stretch limousine they rented for the evening — especially since they are probably paying for it until 2:00 in the morning. Expecting everyone to be at the party immediately after the prom is unrealistic, and restricting access to the party before the time most rental periods are over will result in some number of teens deciding to skip the party altogether... because 'it will be almost over by the time we get there anyway' or simply to get the most out of their luxury ride.
Executive tour buses or site-seeing trolleys are popular, practical, cost effective, and memorable forms of transportation, but party planners need to consider the "Fast-Food-Restaurant-by-the-Interstate-Highway-Effect" when dozens of teenagers get off their bus(es) and expect to enter the hall at the same time. There will be slow times, busy times, and very busy times at the entrance... depending upon the distance from the prom and whether or not everyone stayed until the end; how many students drove their own cars, or had their parents drive them, or hired a limo; how many kids might have ridden on busses; and how many students who didn't go to the prom decide to attend the post prom activities.
Chaperones watching the door need to be prepared to 'process' kids quickly when they arrive in large groups so they are not left standing outside, in their fancy prom gowns and rented tuxedos, while a cold spring rain soaks their clothes, ruins their shoes, and gives them all pneumonia — because everyone will be looking much too fine to be wearing the warm coats their parents made them take with them... just in case;-)