fundraising & support...
parents, community, business, local government...
It costs a lot to host a major event at a large public facility, with games, activities, prizes and food for hundreds of hungry high school kids — and plenty of heavily caffeinated coffee for the chaperones. However, when you solicit the help of your entire community, you might be surprised by how much support you will receive. In addition to cash, donations can be made in the form of volunteer time, discounts on food, catering services, hall rental, coupons for a free oil change, flowers, a round of golf, theater or movie tickets, a gym membership, and a host of other products and services from local business.
Also, be sure to check with your local school district, department of parks and recreation, health department, police department, and/or other government agencies and non-profit groups to see if there might be related grants or other applicable funds available. Be aware, however, that some of this funding may involve a considerable amount of hoop jumping. So, you would be well advised to look into these options early in the planning process so that you have time to fill out any required forms and applications.
Good luck with your after prom events, and remember to enjoy the time you have with your teenagers... before you know it, they will be moving out of your house and starting a life of their own.